Every man is dying to know what male body parts turn women on the most. Well, guess what? I surveyed over 100 women and asked them that very question. Not only did their replies blow me away, but I quickly came to the realization that I need to get my sorry butt into the gym on a more permanent basis.
Although the question revolved solely around body parts, women had some things to add regarding the parts they selected. Whether it had to do with proper hygiene or grooming, the women were not shy about their demands. And we all know how supply and demand go hand-in-hand.
ten parts of men
The following list is made up of the most popular selections in specific order from what's fine and dandy to the very best. Take note and learn how to keep your woman happy.
10- Sharply shaped shoulders
Of the 100 women surveyed, a vast majority had a lot to say about shoulders. They like it when a man has well-defined, broad shoulders because they're a sign of strength and masculinity.
One woman wrote, "I love when a man moves his shoulders and you're able to see the (muscle) definition." Another gal added, "Running my fingers across broad, lean ones excites me immeasurably. That's why I love giving my boyfriend massages in this area." So it's time to get to work at the gym, and as the list goes on, you'll quickly come to the same realization yourself.
9- Chiseled chest
All men love a nice pair of breasts -- real or fake. As long as they look good, we're not complaining. Well, women have the same requirements (minus that whole fake thing though).
Perfect pecs are part of the whole image women have conjured up in their fantasy-filled daydreams. Most ladies said that they like being able to envision what a man's chest looks like under his clothes. The way a sweater or chemise falls on a man's body, they profess, reveals a lot about what's under there.
How fair is that? They get to have those push-up, water-filled, padded bras that create a complete illusion of what's really under there. And what do we have? I think Seinfeld 's Kramer was on the right track with the man's bra -- or should I say The Bro ?
8- Bulging biceps
Come on... you knew it was coming. Big, well-defined biceps don't just signify strength, they also reveal that you're taking good care of your body. And if there's one thing women love, it's a man who takes care of things.
As with the chest, women love when they're able to get a hint of a man's biceps either through his sweater or when he wears a T-shirt and they can see the start of the rippling muscle (their words, not mine).
It also doesn't hurt when guys are able to lift them up and maneuver their bodies effortlessly when they're engaging in crazy "slam you up against the wall" sex. So I guess that mom was just kidding all those times she told us that it's what's on the inside that counts. Real funny.
7- Luscious lips
Oh my, what big ass lips you have! That's right guys; we're not the only ones who long for Angelina Jolie-like lips. Women like full mouths on men not just for their aesthetic appeal, but for those more intimate things we can do with them.
One woman wrote, "I love to suck on a man's thick lips until they're swollen and then I like to rub ice on them while I kiss them." Yeah, I like to do that to lips too, just not the ones she's referring to.
But women were very diverse in the lip department. Some liked only thick bottom lips and some even preferred thinner lips. Perhaps that's because they all prefer the...
6- Tantalizing tongue
If there's one talent that women appreciate immensely, it's a man's ability to use his tongue as though it were a saliva-producing penis with an attitude. Lots of women were quick to point out that the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body, but that is highly debatable.
Although some women chose the tongue for those intimate kissing sessions, most specified that it was because they enjoyed being kissed "down there." Down where? Can u lingis?
Everything from using the tip of your tongue to tease the clitoris to using your entire tongue to lick the vagina from top to bottom was mentioned here. Even penetrating her with it was quite popular. I notice that upon this subject, the ladies' writing began getting somewhat shaky. Hmm, I wonder why?
Read more: http://www.askmen.com/dating/love_tip/41_love_tip.html#ixzz1gfxb3PeG
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